What can we do?

We offer plastic parts engineering and manufacturing service that covers wide range of materials and manufacturing technologies, and support low to mid and high quantities as well.

Have a great new product idea?

But don't know where to start to make it reality?
We are happy to hear about your project and guide you on your way!

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Already manufacture your product yourself?

Maybe started with 3D printing or resin casting, but now want to improve quality, accuracy and productivity?
Injection molding might be the next level...
We can help you with the cross-technology redesign and make an affordable step forward!

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Sourcing a part or product

but are not satisfied with currently available quality?

Maybe struggling with a broken part?

Inherently flawed parts often render an otherwise good equipment unusable, while spare parts are not available?

We have great experience in reverse engineering faulty parts, correcting their flaws and manufacturing a better alternative.
We are especially happy to work on projects that will help lots of other people fix their equipment!

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